Friday, October 29, 2010

To our Trojan Junior Auxiliary Patrons and Alumnae:

With the Homecoming game quickly approaching I would like to take a moment to let you know that once again Trojan Junior Auxiliary will be at homecoming selling products to benefit TJA Scholarships.  This year we are proud to unveil two new product offerings with one-of-a-kind designs.  Stop by our booth in the Gold Marketplace to see what kind of goodies we have in store for Trojan pets and babies!

You can also stay up to date on what is happening with TJA by visiting our Facebook PageBlog and subscribing to our Twitter feed.

We hope to see you Saturday, but if you cannot make it to our booth, our products are also available on the ACC website.  Thank you for your support of TJA, and please feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback.

Fight On! and beat the Ducks!

Katie Kramer ’06
Patrons Chair

Janine Worrell Coleman '03

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall Social Extravaganza!

Hi gang!  I'm Janine Coleman, your current President, to review a fantastic fall social put together by our social chair, Jaymie!
As I'm sure many of you know by now, it's a Pumpkin Carving!  Several TJA members devoted a few hours on October 24th to visit the beautiful Roxbury Park and decorate some pumpkins.  Myself included, there was Michelle (our Membership Chair), Dawn (our Scholarship Chair), Jodie (our Treasurer), Kendra (our Editor), and then new members Janel and Logielyn!!!  With snacks provided by Jaymie, we set off to work:
 Dawn brought her signature pumpking carving apron!

 Michelle taking time out of carving to flash us the "Fight On" sign.

 Janel was rather speedy in her carving.  Her owl was almost done!

I chose a medium-difficulty design.  Note my delicate hacking at my pumpkin.

The proud carvers with their pumpkins. 

And now for your viewing pleasure, some pumpkin action in detail:

the traditionalists:
I love how freaked out her pumpkin looks!

things with wings:

the personal pumpkin:

haunted house finery:

Us girls had a wonderful time continuing in the tradition of TJA's Annual Pumpkin Carving.  Now granted, it was only our second time, but I can easily see it as a continuing institution for our group.  Happy Halloween all!

Friday, October 22, 2010

USC Welcomes President Obama

President Obama will be speaking on the USC University Park campus TODAY! His appearance is one of a series of "Moving America Forward" events, held across the nation to encourage voters to support Democratic candidates in next month's elections. Academy award winning actor Jamie Foxx and Latin/Hip hop band Ozomatli are also expected to appear.

Check out the live stream from Annenberg TV News.

Want to know more? Here's LA Times coverage.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October Meeting Recap

Monday October 11 was the first official TJA meeting of the year and if the gathering was any indication, it's going to be a great year! 

The group welcomed several new members along with a full panel of guest speakers. Danielle Harvey, Director of Special Interest Programs for the USC Alumni Association spoke about this prestigious Association, where TJA fits in and other opportunities for involvement; Linda Ball, Chairman of the USC Alumnae Coordinating Council  shared her inspiring experience as an active alumni.  Finally, Wendy King, cousin of new member Janel King, is an expert "resume doctor" and provided how-to tips for building a better resume. 

Did you know this year is TJA's 75th anniversary? That's right, TJA is one of the oldest USC alumni groups, formed in 1936! This year's benefit theme will honor that milestone. Stay tuned for details!

Finally, thanks to Jodie Boytos (Treasurer) for providing dinner and Janine Worrell Coleman (President) for the fabulously festive Halloween decorations!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hail to the chief!

The Trojan Family officially installed its 11th President , C.L. Max Nikias, last friday and TJA members were there to witness the historic occasion. Alumni, students, faculty, community leaders including Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, USC medical professionals and others marked the occasion, in a ceremony lead by Edward P. Roski Jr., chairman of the USC Board of Trustees.

Here's what the Daily Trojan had to say about the Inauguration.

Watch Nikias' speech on YouTube.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Join Us!

There's a lot going on for the Trojan Family this weekend. Look for TJA members at these events.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

TJA October Meeting

It's hard to believe but the first meeting of the year is less than a week away. Here's a sneak preview of the guest speakers:

Danielle Harvey, USC Alumni Association
Linda Ball, ACC
Wendy King, "resume doctor"

RSVP today!

All ready attending? Come with the answer to this question and you could win some awesome USC swag!

WHAT IS GEORGE C. TIREBITER'S GPA? (Hint: You'll find the answer on the George C. Tirebiter statue plaque located on Trousdale - University Park Campus.)