Friday, March 18, 2011

Getting to Know U: TJA Membership Chair Michelle Ann Maestas

Michelle Ann Maestas
NAME: Michelle Ann Maestas

HOMETOWN: Wasilla, Alaska (I'm asked 'is it cold/what’s it like?' And 'Do you know Sarah Palin?' in that order, all the time.)

USC GRAD YEAR/MAJOR: 2006, Bachelor of Music, Saxophone Performance; expected 2012 Master of Communication Management, Entertainment

WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS?  My whole life I’ve wanted to work in music. Particularly, live music. I’ve been a performer and a producer. I have an amazing job at present, living every part of live music production for the USC Thornton School of Music as the concert manager. I know that I love live performance and working in a live entertainment environment. I’m always working to develop new skills and I am currently pursuing a Master’s Degree at USC Annenberg School. I’m not sure what is next, but I’m always looking and I’m always ready for an adventure.

DESCRIBE YOUR BEST USC MEMORY: The first football game I stayed all the way through to the end. I went to school during the majority of the Bush-Leinart years and winning by more than 25 points was the style – most people left at half-time or just after. I had just met this guy who played trumpet and he told me I should stay and watch the half time show. I actually told him I never did and I had no interest in staying. He said you should really stay. So, I did stay. At the top of the half time show he was introduced by Dennis Packard (voice of the Coliseum) as the featured soloist with the Trojan Marching Band. It was quite a shock! I stayed for the whole thing. We’ve been together 6 years since – he is now Dr. Walt Simonsen, an Assistant Director for the Trojan Marching Band, Music Faculty at East LA College, and is still a world class trumpet player (he’s played everywhere and still does). After the game I was on the field to see the post game show up close near Dr. Bartner.

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE LA HOT SPOT? Urth Caffee, Inteligensia, Jones Coffee, The Counter, Whole Foods, Wurstkuche, La Grande Orange, Café Linda’s, Russell’s, Dish, Marston’s, Dumpling House, Full House, Verdugo Bar (my last 3 birthdays were spent here), Lucky Baldwins, Library Bar, Varnish, Wine Detective, and the Staples Center (for Lakers' games).

DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? Yes! I have an adorable pup named Duple (short for Duple-Meter). For all of the music nerds out there – it’s funny, right? His name is a musical term. We adopted him from the Pasadena Humane Society, which I can’t say enough good things about as we had an amazing experience there. 

FINISH THIS STATEMENT: I'D RATHER BE ... golfing, performing, sailing, wine tasting, traveling and seeing the world.

TJA'S MOTTO IS FRIENDSHIP, LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP ... HOW ARE THESE IDEALS A PART OF YOUR LIFE? I spend time helping students I meet at USC work on their resumes, and give career advice. Some of my concert assistants have gone on to be producers for local music festivals and others have followed their passion for teaching. One is teaching AIDS education in Tanzania.

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