Thursday, November 3, 2011

USC to add Sixth Trait of a Trojan

Dear Trojans,

Every member of the USC community is familiar with the five “Traits of a Trojan” that we hold dear:  Faithful, Scholarly, Skillful, Courageous, and Ambitious.  These are the characteristics that distinguish USC students, faculty, and staff and are core values that bring us together as a community. 

This year, we propose the adoption of a sixth trait into our Trojan lexicon:  Considerate.  While we aren’t suggesting that we carve this word into the base of the Tommy Trojan statue, let’s etch it in our minds as we teach and learn from one another, as we connect with Trojans and friends across the globe, and as we traverse our campuses. 

To reflect this, on behalf of the collective university leadership, we announce the launch of a new We are Considerate.  We are USC. campaign this fall.  This campaign will encompass various initiatives over the course of the next few years, but our initial foray will focus on safety and consideration of one another as we navigate our University Park Campus, particularly on bikes and skateboards.

As you know, USC has experienced a remarkable transformation into a residential university within the last decade, which has resulted in an enormous increase in the number of Trojans who bike, skateboard, and use other wheeled transportation on our campus pathways.

We have engaged in a multi-year discussion regarding how to preserve a safer and user-friendly setting for everyone, including pedestrians, riders, and drivers.  This process has included the creation of several university committees, work with campus engineers to address short and intermediate-term fixes, and the commission of traffic and transportation experts to define and assess various long-term options.  We have made significant changes to our policies for cars, trucks, and carts on campus, which has resulted in notable improvements related to safety and access, especially in the center of campus.  To culminate our work this year, we have hired consultants who are well-versed in developing broad-based university solutions—working with faculty, staff, and students—to guide our efforts in creating a comprehensive plan that addresses pedestrians and riders.  

In the meantime, effective this month, the university will adopt the following guidelines, which will be posted throughout campus.

  • Share the Pathways and Yield to Pedestrians. On all walkways throughout the university, bikers should use the right side and foot traffic should use the left side.
  • Walk your Bikes. In heavily-trafficked areas and crosswalks, dismount and walk your bike. This includes Trousdale Parkway, Childs Way, and near the Lyon Recreation Center.
  • Encourage Safety. Model safe and courteous bike/rider behavior and remind offenders that Trojans are considerate.
  • Park It. Bikes should be parked in designated parking racks. Parking your bike in front of a building entrance/exit or a handicap ramp will result in impounding.
  • Watch the Road. When riding your bike, focus on riding. Distractions such as cell phones, headphones, or riding “hands-free” increase accidents.

We know that consideration of other riders and pedestrians is essential to our safety and to ensuring the safety of those around us.  But, as Trojans, we know it’s also the right thing to do.  We welcome your feedback in this effort.  Send us an email with your questions, thoughts, and suggestions:

Join us in launching our We are Considerate.  We are USC. campaign at a campus-wide rally in front of Tommy Trojan next month:  November 7, 2011, at 12 p.m.  We will unveil our sixth “Trait of a Trojan,” give away t-shirts, and celebrate our Trojan spirit.  We hope to see you there!

Fight on!

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