Monday, March 5, 2012

Trojan SCupper Success!

Last month marked an exciting new experience for TJA; our first opportunity to participate in Trojan SCuppers!

Organized by Society 53, the student outreach program of the USC Alumni Association, SCuppers are an annual series of dinner parties that match current students with alumni volunteer hosts. Dinners usually include 10-15 students and have grown since their inaugural year in 2009 to now include 41 locations and and over 650 students in attendance.

Since this was our first one, we opted to partner the USC Alumni Association's Young Alumni Council, which was established in 2008 to keep alumni connected, engaged and involved in their first 10 years after graduation through sponsoring programs and events that promote interaction with other alumni and the wider university community. Together with the Young Alumni Council, we hosted a group of current USC students for dinner at the beautiful Widney Alumni House on Sunday, February 12. Twenty-five current USC students joined with 5 TJA members and 10 representatives of the Young Alumni Council for a wonderful evening of networking, conversation, italian food and cardinal and gold cupcakes!

TJA members Carina Jacob, Ashley Cooper, Megan Scott, Katie Kramer and Jaymie Robinson enjoyed participating and getting to know the current students. Carina shared that many of the students were seeking career advice and really wanted to know how to maximize the Trojan network to secure a job upon graduating. Megan felt that it was a great way to stay connected to the university by knowing what current students were involved in, and to be accessible as a future resource. All of us shared our unique experiences as USC alumnae and of course conveyed our enthusiasm for Trojan Junior Auxiliary!

We all agreed that it was a wonderful event and that Trojan Junior Auxiliary should host our own SCupper for 2013. We're looking forward to it already!

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