Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting to Know U: TJA Treasurer Jodie Boytos

Jodie Boytos

HOMETOWN:  Claremont, CA


WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER GOALS?  Run my company, but seeing as how that means moving to Bloomington, Ill., I'll settle for running California :-)

DESCRIBE YOUR BEST USC MEMORY. Football games, football games, football games!

WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE LA HOT SPOT: Bottega Louie in downtown...fantastic for brunch, lunch or dinner!

DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?. You mean four-legged kids...yes, Reece and Ben my bully babies

FINISH THIS STATEMENT: I'D RATHER BE ... Retired early, living in Europe and baking my days away :-)

TJA'S MOTTO IS FRIENDSHIP, LEADERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP ... HOW ARE THESE IDEALS A PART OF YOUR LIFE? I believe in work/life balance as much as possible, so I always try to balance my hectic work schedule with plenty of time spent with friends. As far as leadership I am constantly trying to improve myself and challenge myself with new responsibilities at work. I've also recently been promoted into a position where I provide sales and business coaching to people that are opening their own businesses. I try to emphasize to them the important role leadership plays for them in their businesses and provide them training and coaching to improve their own leadership qualities.
As far as scholarship I'm always trying to participate in addtional training and education programs.  In preparation for getting my MBA in the next few years I'm enrolling in some certification programs in my industry.  I hope this will keep my studying skills honed so when I return to school for my MBA I'll be ready.

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